9.11.2015. was born new miniature litter!
2 black&tan males, 1 chocolate&tan male, 2 chocolate&tan females
dam: Ex´cort Chocolate Island Miss Leenu m/s
sire: Triumph - Show Fhillip k/s
Puppies are 3 weeks old now. They have got their eyes open, and eating and growing are the most important thing right now!
All puppies are red, like their father Rudy. We made some new pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/107700244934902355413/05022013LitterRAlmaznyiLaretzFifochkaHaciendaTheRedNoseForAlmaznyiLaretz |
10.02.2013. new pictures of "R" puppies are in gallery https://picasaweb.google.com/107700244934902355413/05022013LitterRAlmaznyiLaretzFifochkaHaciendaTheRedNoseForAlmaznyiLaretz
Puppies were born 05.02.2013. All 6 are brown and tan, 4 females and 2 boys.